So, I managed to get Avengers: Endgame (wow!) and Game of Thrones‘ “The Battle of Winterfell” (whoa!) watched before seeing any spoilerific posts on the internet. Yay! It doesn’t appear that Avengers: Endgame has been spoiled to badly … but I am sure glad I saw Game of Thrones when it aired last night. A bunch of my friends on Facebook were immediately posting (supposedly) cryptic comments about the events in the episode that a 2-year-old with half a brain could guess the meaning of. Ugh.
Honestly, I REALLY HATE the attitude of “if you don’t want to see spoilers, stay off the internet” attitude that some people have. If folks want to discuss stuff, they should have the courtesy to go into dedicated fan sites and forums for this sort of thing. When you post cryptic comments or outright spoilers on your social media accounts, you’re just being a selfish dick.
Also, I finally got to watch the new Robin Hood movie from last year. I am a sucker for the Robin Hood story, but I knew it was going to be bad. And yeah. It’s pretty bad. I would equate it to A Knight’s Tale in that the movie is trying to be a period piece but modern at the same time. That never seems to work very well. At least Taron Egerton was gratuitously shirtless at one point during the movie. Lucky that it’s an official clip on YouTube! You can watch it (the best part of the movie) and save yourself from wasting nearly two hours.
The work week is now underway. What else is new?