Paid Day Off [Labor Day Edition]

So what do you do when you have a paid day off? Why … go back to Gatlingburg, of course!

We hit up Sugarlands, Doc Collier, and Ole Smoky for some moonshine tasting.
Moonshine Tastings

I particularly love the people on the other side of the counter from us at Ole Smoky. That kid looks like he sure wants a sip of that sweet, sweet ‘shine.
Moonshine Tasters

I sure do like the Purple Rain that Sugarlands makes at their cocktail bar.Moonshine Crafted Cocktails at Sugarlands

We finally did the Rugged Ropes Adventure Course at Gatlin’s. It was a ton of fun.
Gatlin's Rugged Ropes Adventure Course
Gatlin's Rugged Ropes Adventure Course
Gatlin's Rugged Ropes Adventure Course
Gatlin's Rugged Ropes Adventure Course

And what trip to Gatlinburg is complete without getting the crap scared out of you at the Mysterious Mansion? We love this place!
Mysterious Mansion!

Paid Day Off [Labor Day Edition]

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