Blah, blah, blah … just another crappy weekend leading into another busy week.
There was a gathering that happened last Saturday. It was the one thing that I was looking forward to last week. It was the one thing that got me through a week of total stress. It was going to be a chance to hang out with people I like and relax. Instead a touchy subject got brought up and the evening got ruined. There was arguing and tears. What a fun night (said with sarcasm).
In good news … that never ending design project suddenly got approved and went to the printer on Monday. I am still not sure how that happened. I was expecting at least another week of back-and-forth on the proof. So, I guess good things do sometimes happen. Hopefully they will remit my invoice for payment quickly. I gots lots of movies to buy!
Upcoming Stuff?
– Spending a tourist trap weekend in Gatlinburg.
– The Annual 4th of July Cookout.
– Designing the theater’s 2019 season brochure.
– Reading the new Stephen King novel and David Lynch’s memoir.
– Getting caught up on some Netflix viewing.