Yeah. I went M.I.A. (that’s “missing in action” and not the rapper.) This past week has been too busy and somewhat depressing at points. Not much to really talk about other than a general feeling that all good things are turning bad (theater, friendships, etc.).
I did spend the day drunk on Sunday. Wine. Champagne. Beer. It was kinda nice … but at points it kinda wasn’t because of friends getting into a fight. What a way to ruin a nice buzz.
I got to go to Tennessee yesterday for work. It was nice to be in the office there and see the people I only ever converse with on the phone or via email. Not so nice was the 5-1/2 hours in the car and driving through Knoxville at rush hour. Ugh. Singing in the car on the way back home, I did discover that I could probably kill a Lip Sync for Your Life if it were Lisa Stansfield‘s Been Around the World.
While treadmill-ing every morning, I have been able to start getting caught up of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. thanks to Netflix and my tablet. I am now about midway through Season Three. In honor of this, here’s a shirtless picture of the show’s current resident hot guy (and villain), Brett Dalton. To get those abs, I am sure he is doing a lot more than just running on a treadmill. 😛