I should be arrested! I don’t know what it is with this year … but I’m having a lot of trouble finding the energy to keep you updated. There been a modicum of stuff going on worth blogging about.
1. I have done two shows so far this year. I was in “Early One Evening at the Rainbow Bar and Grille” and directed “Suessical.” For the record: “Seussical” broke my brain.
2. I went off my brain meds a few months ago. I am still debating about whether that was a good idea or not. Most days the answer is “not.”
3. I have been in e-mail contact a few times with my Porno Obsession.
4. Gotten a hold of a lot of really good music as it’s been a pretty good year so far for that.
5. I entered a logo contest and lost … but somehow won (more on that later).
6. I am going to New York City in one week … Scott, The Man and Folsom East await.
Alrighty, blog. Hope you don’t feel so abused now.