That seems to be the key phrase for the week.
I am working on the next poster for the theater. Steve likes it but makes me want it to convey “funny” when people see it. I have been wracking my brain and can’t seem to come up with a way to make this poster say “Funny!”
A co-worker up and quit without any warning on Monday. He just pulled a “no show” and then we found out he was working that day at another print shop. Why is it that people can’t communicate when quitting a job? Now there’s lots of ill feelings around the shop due to the way he handled this.
Now-a-days the routine has become the same. Get home from work and have dinner. Maybe a nap before dinner or maybe right after. Put on a movie and stare mindlessly at it until it’s time to go to bed. Think briefly about how nobody has called to talk to you that evening but then realize that you didn’t really make much of an effort to call anyone yourself. Yeah … it would probably help if you (meaning me) bothered to keep up with people ’cause then maybe they would try and keep up with you.
The website that I have been working on has been hit or miss. “There is a connection problems with the database. Please try again in a few minutes.” How about let’s try again tomorrow when I can have a fresh start on the problem? Better yet … let’s wait until next week.
Sometimes it feels like the brain waves aren’t connecting to the right spots thus causing things to be forgotten and a feeling of general unease and uselessness.
You could always call good old Mom……………….that’s always good for a laugh!! Or how about Dr. Phibes???
Not completely unfamiliar territory.