
The local police have netted seven in a Restroom Sex sting at the Waynesville Rec Park. They also nabbed some folks for soliciting prostitution off of Craigslist. These kind of things are always fun because the local papers then publish the names of those involved. You get to tick through the list and see which of your friends and neighbors has been out being naughty in public. Looking through the list this time was kinda unsettling ’cause there is a man listed who is the right first/last name and age to be a first cousin of mine. Now I need to find out if that middle name matches. Eeeeeeep.

UPDATE: Yikes! It was my first cousin that got charged with solicitation for prostitution via craigslist. Of course, the extended family is in wee bit of an uproar right now. He’s claiming innocence and I would lean toward giving him the benefit of the doubt right now. He’s one of the few cousins on my dad’s side of the family that I really like.


17 thoughts on “Busted!!!

  1. No, no Scott. That would be a Mother’s Side Cousin … the potentially *busted* one would be a Father’s Side Cousin.

  2. jeff says:

    And who said red state Gay republican hypocrites have all the fun. go Waynesville!!!

  3. Dr. Anton Phibes says:

    I loved the guy who blamed it on a “bladder problem”. Does he have a “wide stance” too?

  4. jeff says:

    OK, if I know him… well… probably not surprising. But I’m not sure which one of the two I know is most likely.
    And, yeah, NC is a red state. I just live in Asheville which is pretty damned blue. With a wide rainbow fringe.

  5. NC is technically a red state.

    I say technically because it could very easily swing blue, if the DNC put it in play.
    Bill Clinton came pretty damn close (percentage-wise) to winning here in ’92.

    And my lovely wife told me about the story. I saw it on the local paper’s website. It’s almost as amusing as the castration dungeon one from a couple of years back. Almost.

  6. franke says:

    with the castration club cleaned up and these 13 arrests are there any “perverts” left in Waynesville?

  7. Of the cousins I was thinking of, it was the other two I thought were possibilities, not the one it ended up being. How odd.

  8. I’ve only been to Waynesville once, but I met several other people who would easily qualify as “pervy” when I was there… and as far as I konw, they’re still at large. (Oh, the children–What do we tell the children?!)

  9. jonesy says:

    Franke…you forget, I moved to Waynesville too. So, there are at least two more perverts left…with Chas and myself.

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