Post-Holiday Wrap

Thank the sweet baby Jebus … Christmas is over!

Friday night a group of went to see Mark perform at LaRue’s Backdoor. We had this super frustrating dinner at Jerusalem Garden beforehand and barely made it to the show. Folks in our group showed up a half hour late and we had to rush to order and eat. I want to go back and actually enjoy the food there sometime. Mark’s show was sweet and we had a nice time hanging out and drinking afterwards. Dang. There were some cute fellas at the bar.

Saturday I spent the morning running around and actually buying Christmas presents. I spent the afternoon actually wrapping them. Then it was off with Michelle and Mary to Roger and Cat’s Holiday Open House. Good food. Good company. Definately too much wine. Some things were revealed that night which were kinda interesting. Someone ain’t on our “ball team” as it were. Oh, well!

Sunday morning I had work that needed to get done, so I spent my time doing that while half-way watching the rest of “The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season” dvd set. Then it was off to dad’s for the afternoon/evening. We hung out. We exchanged gifts. I tried to keep up with my niece. We ate some food. And then I went home a totally exhausted and totally a nervous wreck. I am soooooo glad I don’t have kids.

Christmas Day was a rainy, dreary day. I slept in that morning and spent the rest of it doing work. I made trips to Grandma’s and Lynnette’s. That afternoon I watched “Scanners.” Nothing quite like exploding heads on Christmas Day! Then I was off to Roger and Cat’s again for a holiday dinner. We had delicious spicy gumbo. Mmmmm. I was the only one there so it was a quite dinner and a pretty nice way to round out the holiday zaniness.

Now … on to Thursday!

Post-Holiday Wrap

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