So, I decided the other day to get started taking the super ugly wallpaper border that’s in my bathroom down. It’s been in there for a long time and has started to curl and come loose at the edges anyway … plus the fact that I have never liked it. Frogs and turtles just ain’t my style. Needless to say, removing it has proved to be more of a pain in the ass than it really should be. I really think that if you buy a house that has wallpaper in it that you want to remove, the previous owners that put it up should be required to come back and take it down themselves. Once the hideous stuff is down, I will repaint and redecorate.
It’s blue and has frogs and turtles on it. Ewww!
The room definately looks bigger with the border gone.
And, here is the shape of things to come. It’ll make more sense later.
I’ve never tried it but I hear that fabric softener works great for removing wallpaper.