Flood Waters

Flood Waters: PAC
Ruptured pipes make for flooded buildings and that is what happened yesterday afternoon at the theater I do stuff at. The pipe in question burst somewhere above the concession area which led to the destruction of the box office/concession area and total flooding of the lobby, auditorium, orchestra pit, prop room and sub-basement. A group of us went in around 5:00 to save as much stuff as we could. Clickity-clickity for some more photos that I took this morning …

Flood Waters: PAC
You can see where the carpet in the lobby is now starting to pull up from the floor.

Flood Waters: PAC
The dark area is where the carpet is still full of water.

Flood Waters: PAC
Part of the ceiling in the box office has fallen.

Flood Waters: PAC
The light is barely hangin’ in the box office.

Flood Waters: PAC
The suspected trouble spot above the the concession area.

Flood Waters: PAC
Water is still dripping from the ceiling in the concession area.

Flood Waters: PAC
Water is still seeping from down the auditorium and into the sub-basement.

Flood Waters

5 thoughts on “Flood Waters

  1. Mom says:

    I’m HARTbroken!! What a mess. Why was there a water pipe over the concession area anyway? How much stuff was damaged? Did the pipe burst from freezing? Thank goodness the theatre is dark for several months, so there’s time to get it fixed before the first show opens.

  2. Paula Lindsay says:

    How distressing! I’m so sorry, guys. There’s such an emotional investment in that space for so many of you. I know that your love and care will, in time, make it as good as new.
    Okay, my beloved Little Brother Charles, I’ve found you! I’m so happy to know how I can check up on you now from time to time! My love to you and all at HART.

  3. Carol Zinavage says:

    So, so sorry to see this has happened. I will be thinking of you guys. I know the HARTers have much support and lots of heart – you will come out of this and so will the theater. Please take care and keep me posted. – Carol

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