
“The Frighteners” Director’s Cut DVD proved hard to find yesterday, but I now have it my my greasy ‘lil fanboy hands. According to the intro the disc contains all the Signature Collection LaserDisc material. Whoo-hoo!

I have the hankerin’ for a widescreen television.

There a laundry list of “to do’s” around the house that I just can’t seem to get to. Need to finish cleaning and organizing my office. Need to go through my clothes and get rid of the stuff that’s old and thread-bare or things I know that I won’t wear anymore.

Yeah. I need to quit fantasizing about gorgeous Canadian roommates.

And I haven’t mentioned this one yet (for several reasons) … Evil has officially moved back into town. I suppose that I should take to mentioning him by his real name at some point.


3 thoughts on “Quickies!

  1. Hey Chaz…Did you watch the extras on the King Kong dvd where Peter Jackson and his crew put together the missing spider scene? Looks like Peter has dropped a ton of weight! He was lookin slim and trim.

  2. scott says:

    More than 70lbs, apparently. Newsweek (whcih has an excellent piece on the new Kong this week) says he “still looks like a hobbit, but more Frodo now than Sam.”

  3. I must confess (since I have been a Jackson fan for years), that the “slim and trim” Peter Jackson is taking some getting used to. Just so used to seeing him look all gnome-ish.

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