Windows Rant

Yeah … fuck you, Windows Operating System! Never has there ever been a more pain-in-my-ass way to work. You are constanly shutting down my programs claiming they are “Not Responding.” How many times a day do I click the “Send Error Report” button a day? A lot. How prone to viruses and spyware are you? Very. It’s a constant battle to keep this shit off my work computer. So, that means a virus scan then a spyware scan and then the general maintenance scans … ’cause, Lord knows, one of those many .dll will eventually corrupt itself and kill the whole system. Remember when Internet Explorer kinked up and I had to reinstall the entire operating system to get it working again? Yeah. That was fun. And what about those 20 files that you won’t let me delete from my Recycle Bin because you still think they are in use by some program? Will I ever be able to get rid of them? I know that you “supposedly” make my work day more productive, but I would love to know how many hours are wasted by millions of Americans ’cause you suck as an OS. Bring on the Windows Really Good Edition, please.

I thank my lucky stars every day that I have a beautiful Macintosh Powerbook at home.

Windows Rant

2 thoughts on “Windows Rant

  1. I really suspect most of the trouble comes from running “graphics” software on Windows. We use all the Adobe stuff and it has never performed totally well on 95, 98 or XP.

    Anyhoo ….

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