Gas Out

With Rita now churning in the Gulf, rumor around town is that there will be another “gas shortage” and gas prices are gonna spike up again.


I do realize that we pay less for gas here than most people around the country do (currently we sit at $2.68 a gallon), but this whole “scare” because of potential hurricane damage is ridiculous. It’s also ridiculous that gas prices jump by at least 10¢ plus every time the price starts to climb. It’s also ridiculous since all the major oil companies are reporting record profits. And we are not paying just at the pump, people. Prices for everything are on the rise partially due to the higher cost of shipping good around the country. It’s getting to where some of our local businesses are actually advertising that if “you come and you buy” that the store will pay for the gas that you used to get there. That’s so crazy.

Remember when people tried to organize “gas outs” where you wouldn’t buy gas on a certain day of the month. I think that something more drastic should be done if people want to protest the rising costs of gasoline. I am speaking from a rural perspective here. We who live in small towns have to drive everywhere for everything … work, groceries, entertainment. I know that my frivolous travel for things like movies and such has been greatly reduced because it just costs to damn much to trip over to Asheville to kick around for an afternoon. So, it seems to me if the American public really wants to send a message to the oil companies and our wonderful goverment (who seem totally disinterested in this whole subject), we would set aside a few days … not just one … where we do nothing but sit at home because we are not using their expensive gas. No driving or traveling anywhere … no going to work … no going to the store … no going to the movies … no going out to eat. I really think the only way for the American public to really show their displeasure with gas prices is to grind the country to a near halt by not using gas for anything for a few days.

Yeah. I know this sounds silly and not practical … I’m just ranting.

Gas Out

One thought on “Gas Out

  1. I’ve cut back on my driving- with gas at $2.99 I can’t afford to just hop in my car and go places 🙁

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