Why I Love Skinny Puppy

Nivek & Cevin
This picture is a pretty good summation as to why I. Fucking. Love. Skinny Puppy! High strength industrial music with a heavy dose of horror theatrics (and they’re Canadian!!!). I always thought the hubub over Marylin Mason was so blown out proportion. He never really did anything really way out there. Imgaine what would have happened if Skinny Puppy had ever reached mainstream status here in the U.S. … which I am glad they never did. Heh. People still go, “Who the hell is Skinny Puppy?” when I mention the name. See what the fuss is about. You can check out an awesome (and I mean AWESOME!) set of live photos here.

Why I Love Skinny Puppy

3 thoughts on “Why I Love Skinny Puppy

  1. Awesome Skinny Puppy pics! I had a friend turn me onto them about 10 yrs ago. My bf doesn’t get into industrial music so I kinda lost track of them. Good to see their still kickin.

  2. shane says:

    I wish they’d release a better DVD of their promotional videos, ’cause the ‘Video Collection’ DVD I have is incomplete and looks mastered from the videotape…

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