More Lies

The White House is suddenly facing damaging evidence that it misled the public by insisting for two years that presidential adviser Karl Rove wasn’t involved in leaking the identity of a female CIA officer.

President Bush, at an Oval Office photo opportunity Tuesday, was asked directly whether he would fire Rove — in keeping with a pledge in June, 2004, to dismiss any leakers in the case. The president did not respond.

For the second day, White House press secretary Scott McClellan refused to answer questions about Rove.

Of course, the “President” didn’t respond. Of course, McClellan refused to answer any questions. It still amazes me that Clinton got impeached … IMPEACHED … over lying about a blowjob. Yet, this adminstration has been able to run roughshod over the American public with lies and deception to implement their policies and intimidate anyone who opposes them. Will anyone in the adminstration suffer the fallout from the act of treason that’s currently being investigated. I very seriously doubt it.

More Lies

5 thoughts on “More Lies

  1. _ph says:

    whoa. thought politics bored you… there WILL be a price to be paid, even assuming Rove skates — a political price. these guys are getting crucified in the media right now, and it’s only gonna get worse (or is that better?). stay tuned. 🙂

  2. deck says:

    If not now then never and the American pubic will appear even more like fools than already do. HAS no one ever read Animal Farm in THAT country?

  3. Ohmigod, George Bush only tells us the truth! Only pinko fags (like me) think he’s a pathological liar.

  4. Pinko straight people too.

    Rove will slither his way out of this. It was amusing watching McClellan not answer questions for an hour. I’m glad to see that the White House Press Corps finally grew some balls. The Daily Show had a field day with it.

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