Back to the Dead Horse

After having seen the un-cut version of “High Tension” last night (thanks to a Korean Special Edition dvd) all I can say is … Lions Gates, ya really dropped the ball on the one. I know, I know. Some of you out there are still asking “what’s the big deal over one minute of missing footage.” The big deal is that the movie does loose impact with the trims that were made. The whole point of “High Tension” is to make you squirm, turn your head and close your eyes at various points. Subtlety is not on the menu here.

So, if you don’t mind spoilers (I know that I mind them), here my observations on what was cut.

“High Tension” U.S. Version … What’s Missing
(Contains Spoliers):

Father’s Death:
The overhead shot of him being decapitated has been shortened so there is less blood and such. Also another overhead shot of the body spouting blood has been cut.

Mother’s Death:
The throat slitting has been trimmed down so there is not quite so much blood gushing. I honestly don’t remember there being a reference to the killer having sawed her hand off. There are a couple of shots where you see the bloody stump come up into the frame. Also, there’s a shot of the severed hand laying next to the portable phone. I am fairly certain these are gone.

Gas Station Attendant’s Death:
The “axe to the chest” has quite a few more shots making the death scene last a little longer.

Killer’s “Death”:
Lots of shots are missing here. I really didn’t think Marie was ever gonna stop smacking him with her barbwire wrapped club. In the U.S. version she hits him maybe three times and that’s it.

Innocent Bystander’s Death:
There is a lot missing from this fun little scene. The U.S. version really just shows the concrete saw going into the front window of the car and the blood splattering on Alex. Un-cut you get some really grusome shots of the saw cutting in the driver’s abdomen and shoulder. Yow!

Back to the Dead Horse

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