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On the Home Front
Last night I moved all the displace “stuff” from my office and bedroom back into the office and bedroom. Wow! What a difference not having piles of books and tapes and cds and my computer desk in the living room makes. It actually looks like a sane person lives there instead of some crazy pack rat. I think we need to have a party on Saturday night.

On the Web
Queerday is hosting the first annual Queeries … and The Man has been nominated in three catagories (Best Gay Weblog, Best American Weblog, Weblog of the Year). So get over there and vote!

In the World
So, the US has finally stopped looking for those pesky WMDs in Iraq. Bill Clinton lied about a blow job and got impeached. George W. Bush lies to the American public, leads us to war based on that lie and nothing happens to him.

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