Let’s Bury The Hatchet …

… right in the middle of my forehead.

So, apparently everything that’s wrong or has been delayed at work is my fault as well. “You’re the one holding this stuff up. It should have been done weeks ago.” Well, yeah it would if y’all didn’t keep pushing other “time sensitive” stuff my way. Grrr.

How shitty is it of me to not answer the phone when my sister called twice last night? Pretty shitty, in my opinion.

I am still getting bugged about that freelance stuff too. As if I have nothing to do but deal with it. Day job. It’s pays the bills. Remember that.

I hate feeling stressed out ’cause my mind starts to go into overdrive and worry about stuff that isn’t even in the scheme of things … the overall direction of my life, dateless-ness, self esteem, career, friends, past decisions. So, who wants to volunteer for hatchet duty? It won’t take long. I promise.

Let’s Bury The Hatchet …

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