It’s new. It’s green. Why do I have this thing for young Burt Ward?
Home Improvement
Oh, god. Here we go again. That’s what you’re thinking … isn’t it? I have started taking down the paneling in my bedroom. So now it’s back to the the rip, shred, rewire, insulate, drywall, mud, paint, refinish and move furniture kick. I can’t guarantee that I’ll be in a jock the whole time. Sorry fellas …
Good News/Bad News
Turns of that the bookseller that I have a major crush on is gay … and partnered. At least I was in the ballpark this time. How many strikes is that?
Some People
1. TomJones (you know who you are) is so sweet.
2. Trachalio get points for “boo bear.” *Giggle*