Something to think about as President George W. Bush officially breaks former President Ronald Reagan’s vacation record … all with 3-1/2 years left in his final term.
Current Events
More on “Hearts on Fire”
Doug Wingeier has written an excellent column in the local paper concerning the “Hearts on Fire” Reconciling Convocation that’s been raising such a fuss here in the mountains. Too bad most “christians” don’t think this way. Click “more” to read it for yourself. Continue reading “More on “Hearts on Fire””
Downbeat Friday: Politics
So, where is that “liberal” media that the conservative right screams about constantly? It seems like the Plame Investigation has dropped off the radar of most major news coverage. Amazing.
In August of 1972, President Nixon told reporters, “no one in the White House staff, no one in this administration, presently employed, was involved in this very bizarre incident.”
Sounds eerily familiar doesn’t it?
The cast of administration characters with known connections to the outing of an undercover CIA agent:
Karl Rove
I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby
Condoleezza Rice
Stephen Hadley
Andrew Card
Alberto Gonzales
Mary Matalin
Ari Fleischer
Susan Ralston
Israel Hernandez
John Hannah
Scott McClellan
Dan Bartlett
Claire Buchan
Catherine Martin
Colin Powell
Karen Hughes
Adam Levine
Bob Joseph
Vice President Dick Cheney
President George W. Bush
What I would really love right now is for any Republican to defend what the current administration has been doing. Explain to me what good has come from the last five years of Bush’s authoritarian rule.
Damn Those Homos!
With the “Hearts on Fire” Conference at the Methodist run Lake Junaluska Assembly fast approaching, the local newpaper is quickly becoming a forum for those who want to spout intolerance and hatred. This shit drives me crazy. God forbid that “Christians” love thy neighbor.
My not-so-intelligent retort that I sent to the local paper:
To the Editor:
With the furor over the “Hearts on Fire” conference going on, it would be interesting to know how many of the “Christians” that use Leviticus 20:13 as their justification to decry homosexuality actually follow all the entire Levitical Codes themselves.
Accordingly those codes, these Christians would:
– Never eat shrimp, pork, or any number of other animals deemed unclean (Leviticus 11)
– Never steal (Leviticus 19:11)
– Never work one day and get paid on another (Leviticus 19:13)
– Never plant two kinds of seed in the same field (Leviticus 19:19)
– Never wear clothes made with two kinds of cloth (Leviticus 19:19)
– Never eat meat cooked rare to medium-well (Leviticus 19:26)
– Never shave your sideburns or trim your beard (Leviticus 19:27)
– Never get a tattoo (Leviticus 19:28)
– Always worship and never work on Saturday (Leviticus 19:30)
– Always stand when someone older than you enters a room (Leviticus 19:32)
Also these Christians would be killing anyone who:
– Swears at his father or mother (Leviticus 20:9)
– Commits adultery (Leviticus 20:10).
– Uses God’s name in vain (Leviticus 24:16)
– Kills another person (Leviticus 24:17)
– Works, travels far, or prepares a meal on a Saturday (Numbers 15)
It seems to me that those members of the Christian religion would be better served with the “love thy neighbor” teachings instead of using The Bible as a way to spread intolerance and hatred in the name of God.
Charles Mills
Waynesville, NC
Currently …
Bed Buddies
Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove, left, listens as President Bush comments during a meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House, Wednesday, July 13, 2005. Bush said Wednesday that he will not comment on top political adviser Karl Rove’s role in leaking the identity of a CIA operative while the investigation is ongoing.
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
We are currently being witness to more requisite cock sucking than you would ever see in a gay porn film.
More Lies
The White House is suddenly facing damaging evidence that it misled the public by insisting for two years that presidential adviser Karl Rove wasn’t involved in leaking the identity of a female CIA officer.
President Bush, at an Oval Office photo opportunity Tuesday, was asked directly whether he would fire Rove — in keeping with a pledge in June, 2004, to dismiss any leakers in the case. The president did not respond.
For the second day, White House press secretary Scott McClellan refused to answer questions about Rove.
Of course, the “President” didn’t respond. Of course, McClellan refused to answer any questions. It still amazes me that Clinton got impeached … IMPEACHED … over lying about a blowjob. Yet, this adminstration has been able to run roughshod over the American public with lies and deception to implement their policies and intimidate anyone who opposes them. Will anyone in the adminstration suffer the fallout from the act of treason that’s currently being investigated. I very seriously doubt it.
Our Pals Up North
Whoa! Maybe it is time to really start thinking about a move to Canada.
In The News
Geez. Go away for a few days and I missed all the excitement. Nice way for my town to make the news … eh?
Dear News Media,
I know Terri Schiavo died. I know that her parents and husband still hate each other. I know the Pope died. I know lots of people waited a long time to stare at the Pope’s corpse. I know they buried the Pope.
Can we please move on to the next story that’s gonna be beat into the ground?
Happy weekened.
Words I Never Want To Hear Again
1. Amendment
2. Values
3. Condoleezza
4. Privatization
5. Democracy
6. Faith-Based
7. Marriage
8. Freedom
9. Compassion
10. Reform
11. Insurgents
12. Cheney
13. Bush
Dubya, Dubya, Dubya
President Bush says he now sees that tough talk can have an “unintended consequence.”
During a round-table interview with reporters from 14 newspapers, the president, who not long ago declined to identify any mistakes he’d made during his first term, expressed misgivings for two of his most famous expressions: “Bring ’em on,” in reference to Iraqis attacking U.S. troops, and his vow to get Osama bin Laden “dead or alive.”
“Sometimes, words have consequences you don’t intend them to mean,” Bush said Thursday.
“‘Bring ’em on’ is the classic example, when I was really trying to rally the troops and make it clear to them that I fully understood, you know, what a great job they were doing. And those words had an unintended consequence. It kind of, some interpreted it to be defiance in the face of danger. That certainly wasn’t the case.“
What more can one say. “Bring ’em on” means support not defiance. It still blows my mind that this country re-elected this dumbass. Four more years. Ugh.
Updating Update
On the Home Front
Last night I moved all the displace “stuff” from my office and bedroom back into the office and bedroom. Wow! What a difference not having piles of books and tapes and cds and my computer desk in the living room makes. It actually looks like a sane person lives there instead of some crazy pack rat. I think we need to have a party on Saturday night.
On the Web
Queerday is hosting the first annual Queeries … and The Man has been nominated in three catagories (Best Gay Weblog, Best American Weblog, Weblog of the Year). So get over there and vote!
In the World
So, the US has finally stopped looking for those pesky WMDs in Iraq. Bill Clinton lied about a blow job and got impeached. George W. Bush lies to the American public, leads us to war based on that lie and nothing happens to him.