Cartoon Violence

I got all uppity when I saw this headline:
“Bush Urges End To Cartoon Violence”

I thought, “How dare our dictator speak out against such great stuff as ‘Tom and Jerry.’ He’s got more improrant things to worry about like spying on fellow Americans and his War for Oil.”

Then I clicked the link and it’s not quite what it appears to be.

See, the new headlines “Bush: ‘Stop the Violence’ Over Mohammed Cartoons ” and “Bush Urges End to Violence Over Cartoons” sound so much better … it doesn’t leave the impression he’s trying to do away with “Itchy & Scratchy.” Marge tried that and lost.

Cartoon Violence

State of the Union

So, Dictator Bush made his speech last night. It made me ill listening to it. All the outright lies and misdirection. I wonder how many of my fellow Americans bought what he said about heath care reform, about current envornmental policies, about illegal wiretaps, about the War for Oil, about “No Child Left Behind” … and so many other things.

What I found the most troublesome is that Dictator Bush again used the tragedy of 9/11 to justify his totalarian state and illegal activities.

It is said that prior to the attacks of September the 11th, our government failed to connect the dots of the conspiracy. We now know that two of the hijackers in the United States placed telephone calls to al Qaeda operatives overseas. But we did not know about their plans until it was too late. So to prevent another attack — based on authority given to me by the Constitution and by statute — I have authorized a terrorist surveillance program to aggressively pursue the international communications of suspected al Qaeda operatives and affiliates to and from America.

So, let’s just forget that it was Dictator Bush who sat in that classroom in Florida listening to children read while the events of 9/11 unfolded.

“It is said … our government failed.”

Indeed, Dictator Bush. Our government failed on that day and is continuing to fail as you and your buddies line their pockets with money, rape the environment, send soldiers to their deaths so you can proclaim “Democracy for All” all while letting middle and lower income Americans slip further and further behind.

Yes. “The state of our Union is strong.”

State of the Union

Alito Confirmed

This news is no big surprise. It makes me feel sick.

Dictator Bush gives his “State of the Union” speech tonight where he will no doubt reaffirm to “head-in-the-sand” Americans that his War for Oil is just, the War on Terror is being won and that his totalitarian vision is the right one for this country.

Makes you wonder just what Abe Lincoln would think if he could see what his party has become and what “they” are doing to a nation that is getting worse and worse every day.

Alito Confirmed

Political Rant

The recent weeks seem to have been nothing but politics dominating every bit of the news. It still amazes me that intelligent people voted for those morons that are in office now. Now that the shit has hit the fan, so to speak, it’s frustrating to watch Republicans try and play off perjury as not that important. But wasn’t it important enough to impeach the last president when he perjured himself over a blow-job? We all know that the Adminstration fabricated (or at the very least distorted) pre-war intelligence. We also have the fallout from the hurricanes, the next Supreme Court nominee, insider trading and embezzlement accusations against several politicians, the religious right and the general everyday partisan bickering that occurs. Makes me wish that Gort would come down and blast em all outta Washington. I really think we need a fresh start.

Political Rant

Dubya in Charge!

Hurricane Katrina destroys the Gulf Coast region on Monday. President Bush doesn’t return to the White House from his vacation until Wednesday. Secretary of State Condi Rice spent her time in NYC yesterday seeing a Broadway show and shoe shopping. Now President Bush says that the results of the relief effort “are not acceptable.”

Now, it seems to be that if the President and his staff (Dick Cheney is currently on vacation in Wyoming) actually gave a shit about what is going on, they would have been back at work in Washington at over last weekend getting the relief measures rolling as we all watched Katrina make it way towards landfall.

Dubya in Charge!