Shew. I kinda hate summer because it’s just been too busy (mowing, freelance work, social obligations). I guess I shouldn’t complain too much as I could just be sitting around doing nothing. But the older I get, the better sitting around and doing nothing sounds.
The biggest excitement over the weekend (besides eating pizza) was getting to see Ari Aster’s Midsommar. I really, really dug this movie … so much so that I would love to go back and see it again on the big screen. It’s hallucinatory, strange, darkly funny, quite disturbing in spots, and impeccably designed, filmed and acted. Seriously. Florence Pugh is amazing in this movie! After getting home, I watched (probably) too many YouTube videos of people reviewing and discussing the movie. I was bit annoyed that a lot of folks kept trying to make direct comparisons between Midsommar and Hereditary (Aster’s first major film). They both tackle somewhat similar subjects matters (grief being the main one of them), but they are totally different tonally and stylistically. So I am not sure why people have the desire to try and tie them to each other. Anyhoo. If you get a chance to see this Midsommar at the movies, I say … “Go!”