
Good lord … Wednesday already! As you can probably guess, I haven’t had a lot of energy to do much the past few days. Must be the winter blues again. For about a week it was like spring outside. Over the weekend it turned butt-ass cold out there. I really suspect that’s the reason for my super-laziness. I just wanna crawl under a blanket and sleep. Good thing I don’t live much further north, eh?

Thinking about a new look for the site.

Thinking I blew too much money over the last month.

Thinking about painted outlet covers and curtain fabrics.

Still thinking about getting inked.


Another Work Week

Yow. What an exhausting weekend it was. It’s good to be back at work where I can take a nap or something.

Friday Night:
We had rehearsal for the next show that I am in. We open up in Mid-February, so I really need to get off my ass and start learning my lines. I get to play a NYPD sergeant. So, I’ll get to walk around with gun, night stick and handcuffs for a couple of weekends. Anybody for a little role playing? Heh, heh.

Yipee! The electrician finally came and finished up the wiring in my bedroom! All the outlets are working. The new ceiling fan is up. The closet light works. I can get my cd rack moved back in (and organized).

Then it was clean, clean, clean, clean, clean, clean for the big Martini Party that night. Even though the house is back in some order it was still a mess of dust and dirt that required quite some time to get up. I really need to get back on my Sunday morning cleaning schedule.

That night the big party was under way. The whole reason for this do was to celebrate the birthdays of Sherry and Francis. The b-day gals seemed to have a great time. The house was full of candles. Jazz music was playing on the stereo. Ice was rattling in the cocktail shaker. I started making drinks about 6:30-ish and didn’t stop until around 11:00. Talk about exhausting. But everyone seem super-pleased with the drinks that were flowing … and trust me, a lot of liquor flowed through that party. The favorite drinks of the night seemed to be the Naked Lady, Chocolate and French Martini. I tried an impromptu recipe called the Spider Bite which is Vodka, Malibu Rum, Angostura Bitters and Lime and really like it. The people actually drinking them thought they were too strong. Hello! It’s a martini. It’s supposed to be strong. A drunk Francis and I talked late into the night after bar had been closed. I think we have almost talked ourselves into going together and getting tattoos. How crazy is that? Needless to say, I had no time to take any pictures. There were some cameras floating around, so I will see who I can harass and get some posted. Good friends. Good food. Good drinks. Great party.

I was a slob and laid on the couch all day. I mustered enough energy about 4:00 to get to the grocery store. And I rented “Shaun of the Dead” as well. What a kickin’ movie. Very much worth renting if’n you like zombies and such.

And now that I have typed all this, I’m gonna take my first nap of the day.

Another Work Week

And Now … Corey Summers

To counteract that George Bush picture (just for you Homer), I offer you Corey Summers. Now why, you say, have a I posted a pretty “twink”-ish fellas instead of some hot leather daddy? Well, the fact of the matter is, that Mr. Summers is probably my favorite porno actor. Firstly, there is his killer smile. Secondly, there is his … er, well you know what it is. Thirdly, his acting skills were pretty damn good. He could handle those movies that required some dialogue and plot (see Jerry Douglas’ excellent “Top Secret” … a modern porno masterpiece). It’s a total shame that he succumbed to the “shave it all” attitude of porn. You could tell that if he had gone au-natural he would have had some fuzziness to rival Danny Vox. And that would have only made a good thing that much better. Alas, he has retired from porno after a short run and probably working is some boring job under his real name. If you ever happen to read this Corey … know that you still have a rabid, die-hard fan out there.

And Now … Corey Summers

Dubya, Dubya, Dubya

President Bush says he now sees that tough talk can have an “unintended consequence.”

During a round-table interview with reporters from 14 newspapers, the president, who not long ago declined to identify any mistakes he’d made during his first term, expressed misgivings for two of his most famous expressions: “Bring ’em on,” in reference to Iraqis attacking U.S. troops, and his vow to get Osama bin Laden “dead or alive.”

“Sometimes, words have consequences you don’t intend them to mean,” Bush said Thursday.

“‘Bring ’em on’ is the classic example, when I was really trying to rally the troops and make it clear to them that I fully understood, you know, what a great job they were doing. And those words had an unintended consequence. It kind of, some interpreted it to be defiance in the face of danger. That certainly wasn’t the case.

What more can one say. “Bring ’em on” means support not defiance. It still blows my mind that this country re-elected this dumbass. Four more years. Ugh.

Dubya, Dubya, Dubya

Martini Time!

I’m hosting a swank Martini Party tomorrow night for a couple of friends and I get to bar-tend. Seems like word of my martini makin’ skills is getting around town. Should be a spanking-ly good time. The bad thing though is just how damn expensive it can get when you make those flavored concoctions. Pictured over is over $80 worth of liqueurs. Yow. But I guess that what happens when you wanna be hip and serve tasty drinks. The martini glasses are chilling. The jazz music is ready to spin on the cd player. My fancy duds are ready to be worn. It’s almost time to shake ’em and drink ’em.

The Martini Menu

Classic Dry Gin Martini:
    3 shots Gin
Garnish with Olives

Classic Dry Vodka Martini:
    3 shots Vodka
Garnish with a Lemon Twist

Chocolate Martini:
    1 shot Vodka, 1 shot Kahlua, 1 shot Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
Garnish with a Hershey’s Kiss

Lava Lamp Martini:
    2 shots Vodka, splash of Chambord, splash honey

Naked Lady Martini:
    2 1/2 shots Vodka, 1/4 shot Godiva Chocolate Liqueur, 1/4 shot Goldschlager
Garnish with an Edible Flower Petal

Almond Joy Martini:
    1 1/2 shot Vodka, 1 shot Frangelico, 1 shot White Creme De Cacao
Garnish with a Hershey’s Kiss

Gotham Martini:
    2 shots Vodka, 1/4 shot Blacberry Brandy, 1/4 Black Sambuca
Garnish with Three Blackberries

Orange Delight Martini:
    2 shots Vodka, 1 shot Cointreau
Garnish with an Orange Twist

Lemon Drop Martini:
    3 shots Citron Vodka, teaspoon Limoncello
Garnish with a Lemon Twist

Nutty Angel Martini:
    1 shot Vodka, 1 shot Frangelico, 1 shot Bailey’s Irish Cream, 1/2 shot Dark Creme De Cacao
Garnish with with Shaved Chocolate

French Martini:
    2 shots Vodka, 1/2 shot Chambord, 1/2 shot Pineapple Juice
Garnish with a Lemon Twist

Berlin Martini:
    2 shots Vodka, 3 dashes Apple Schnapps, 1 splash Black Sambuca
Garnish with an Apple Slice

Broken Heart Martini:
    2 1/2 shots Absolut Kurant Vodka, 1/2 shot Godiva Chocolate Liqueur
Garnish with a Stick of Chocolate

Espresso Martini:
    1 shot Stoli Kafya Vodka, 1 shot Tia Maria, 1 shot Bailey’s Irish Cream
Garnish with Coffee Beans

Martini Time!

Updating Update

On the Home Front
Last night I moved all the displace “stuff” from my office and bedroom back into the office and bedroom. Wow! What a difference not having piles of books and tapes and cds and my computer desk in the living room makes. It actually looks like a sane person lives there instead of some crazy pack rat. I think we need to have a party on Saturday night.

On the Web
Queerday is hosting the first annual Queeries … and The Man has been nominated in three catagories (Best Gay Weblog, Best American Weblog, Weblog of the Year). So get over there and vote!

In the World
So, the US has finally stopped looking for those pesky WMDs in Iraq. Bill Clinton lied about a blow job and got impeached. George W. Bush lies to the American public, leads us to war based on that lie and nothing happens to him.

Updating Update

Mac World Expo: My 2¢ Worth

Yep. The Mac World Expo has all of us Mac nerds buzzin’ about new Mac-y goodness. I dig the new offerings … and not because they are something that I would buy. They seem more geared to the Windows user that wants Mac but doesn’t want to outlay the cash for one. Switch now, oh Windows user, and come the light that is Apple!

Mac Mini
Not something I would purchase for myself, but I have already had a Mac lusting friend say he would probably get one. His PC bit the dust (shocker) a few months ago and he’s been needing something new. And what better than a Mac mini. He already has the set-up from his old Dell. And he would spend at least $499 just to get a new PC tower. I think this brilliant marketing on Apple’s part. I hope it really takes off.

iPod Shuffle
Another great marketing idea. Targeted at those who want the iPod but don’t want to drop over $250 for the regular or mini version.

iLife and iWork
Of course, these are must for anyone with a Mac.

Mac World Expo: My 2¢ Worth

Let’s Play the ABC Game!

A – Alphabetizing makes life easier.
B – “Bitter” could a word used to describe me.
C – Consent forms must be signed before you can go on the field trip.
D – DVDs are my dirty little addiction.
E – Everyone tends to tell me their dirty little secrets.
F – Fear is a control tactic.
G – George “Dubya” is still tops on my Shit List.
H – Honk if you love ice cream.
I – I’m in desperate need of a date (or some attention).
J – Japanese horror films have a wonderful “nightmare” quality.
K – Kickin’ back with a beer and a movie is something I really enjoy.
L – Love is a myth, a lie or (quite possibly) both.
M – Metrosexuals are an evil invention of pop culture and the fashion industry.
N – Nightmares can be fun and educational.
O – Owen Hawk needs to be my love slave.
P – Pop Music Stars need to have their vocal cords severed.
Q – Qees are pretty fun little collector’s items.
R – Rainy days are something I look forward to.
S – “Simple” isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
T – Taking the train to NYC is something I never want to do again.
U – UPS delivery men are nowhere near as cute as the FedEx guys (around here anyway).
V – Vintage Gay Porn is way hotter than current industry offerings.
W – Walking (or hiking) in the woods is a good stress reliever.
X – Xylophones are very under-used in modern music.
Y – You can never go home again.
Z – Zippered pants aren’t quite as fun a button-flys.
[via Slapmonkey]

Let’s Play the ABC Game!

Another One Bites the Dust

So, here is the completed closet featuring the spanking-ly expensive Stanley Closet Organizer System. Mmmmmm. It’s so sweet. I was a weenie and bought some of the pricey add-ons such as the hamper and trouser rack. My closet is now a swank place to store my porno and all the dress clothes that I never wear. Whoo. And, yes. The plan for now is to not put any doors up and see how I like the “open” look.

There’s a special shelf in the closet just for my Homer hat. I heart my Homer hat. He’s drinking a beer. Mmmmmm, beer.

Another One Bites the Dust

Going. Going. Gone!

Dear sweet Jebus! The weekends are flying by waaaaay too fast. Maybe they will slow down a little when I don’t spend them working all the time. I started moving all my furniture around yesterday. The bed and such are back in the bedroom. The computer desk is back in the office. Yes! It’s gonna take a few more days to get everything totally back in order (it’s been kinda like moving in for the first time). Plus I still have a few more elements of my closet system to deal with getting installed, but that is nothing major. So, suffice it to say that photos of the “completed” rooms will appear a little later on the week.

Going. Going. Gone!