“Cellular” [An Appreciation]

Maybe saying “An Appreciation” is putting it a little too strongly … but “Cellular” is a pretty decent little action movie. The plot is a little silly, but who cares. We get to watch our plucky and reluctant hero run around L.A. trying to save the damsel in distress from the baddies (including Jason Statham!). Worth seeing when you wanna put you brain on hold for a couple of hours. Plus, it’s so great that Chris Evans is shirtless for his first scene. It gratuitous and oh-so-nice! That you, David Ellis, for making teenage girls and gay men everywhere so happy.

“Cellular” [An Appreciation]

Weekend Plans

So, after having really done nothing last weekend, this one has shaped up to be pretty busy. Whee! I head out tonight to hang with friends and watch “Shaun of the Dead.” Tomorrow I have rehearsal in the morning. After that I am gonna trip to A-ville and price suits, tattoos and hang with Mr. Messer for the evening. Sunday, of course is the Stupid Super Bowl which will be celebrated at the house of Mr. Ross. At some point during all this I have to watch “Cellular” which I have rented for the sole purpose of lusting after Mr. Evans and his hairy chest.

Weekend Plans

Chas. on “The Grudge”

After having seen “Ju-On” a couple of months ago, I have been dead curious to see the American remake. It boasts the same director and story with the add in of American actors. Does it live up to the original?

Yes … and no. I personally felt that some of the enhanced “visual” scares were pretty sweet. But the trade off is a movie that is way more polished than its predecessor. Gone is all subtlety … all the mystery. I guess the filmmakers felt that there had to be an explanation for everything that happens in the story … which does take some of the edge off. I don’t care why the house is haunted. Just scare me. The addition of American actors was distracting as well. It seemed way too contrived that so many Americans would be involved in the same chain of evens.

Sam Raimi says in the “making of” footage that the reason he was interested in producing a remake was that many people would be so turned off to seeing a Japanese film. He loves the original and wanted to bring it to American audience. So, what you ultimately end of with is a pretty redundant movie in terms of story and visuals. Some shots are almost exactly the same as shots in “Ju-On.”

So, if you have seen “Ju-On” you can skip “The Grudge” and you won’t be missing anything. If you haven’t seen either, definitely pick up “Ju-On” for a viewing.

Chas. on “The Grudge”


Dang. Looks like the fun cabin weekend getaway with some close friends has imploded due to weather forecasts that are screaming for sleet, ice, freezing or snow … or all of the above at the same time. Whoo. After the stressful week I have had, I was looking forward to getting the heck outta Dodge for a few days. I had already purchased whiskey to sip by the fireside. I guess I’ll just have to sip it on my own with a horror film or two to keep me company.

Yeah. I’m wallowing in self-pity at the moment. I still haven’t been able to come to grips with just why the Evil one is still stuck in my head. It hits me on certain days and, yep, today has turned into one of those days.

I feel stupid for not having moved past this yet.

I feel stupid because I can actually use the word “years” when referring to this situation. Time is supposed to make things better, right?

I also know you all are tired on me harping on it. “Oh, look. That fella from North Carolina is on about that ‘Evil’ guy again. How boring.”

See. It would do you no good to date me. I would become obsessed and stalker-ish with you. That much is clear. And you would no idea it was going on because I would never, ever let on that something was up. You would be totally in the dark.

So, while you go off and find something far more exciting and interesting on the web, I’ll sit here with my Maker’s Mark and some horror films. Viva la weekend.~
